Tag: Massachusetts

Groton, Massachusetts: Groton Place

Groton Place Route 225 East of the Nashua River Groton, Massachusetts Website: NewEnglandForestry.org Hundreds of dogs visit Groton Place each week to enjoy leash-free romps and dips in the water. Once part of the Dumaine family estate, this 52-acrea sanctuary encompasses two ponds, fields, and woodlands with 1,600 feet of frontage on the Nashua River. Rhododendrons line its wide paths,… Read more →

Provincetown, Massachusetts: Pilgrim Bark Park

Pilgrim Bark Park Route 6 and Shank Painter Road Provincetown, Massachusetts Telephone: (508) 487-1325 Website: ProvincetownDogPark.org Historical records tell that in 1620 when the Pilgrims landed at what is now Provincetown, they were accompanied by an English mastiff and a springer spaniel. Thus, the non-profit group behind P-town’s new dog park named their project “to remember those first canine explorers… Read more →

Eastham, Massachusetts: Cape Cod National Seashore

Cape Cod National Seashore Salt Pond Visitor Center Route 6 Eastham, Massachusetts Telephone: (508) 771-2144 Website: NPS.gov/CaCo Beaches! Sand! Shells! Smells!!! Dogs!!! Beaches!!! Lighthouses!!! WOOF!!!! Note from Chaucer: My young sister’s enthusiasm notwithstanding, I believe we’d best serve our fellow travelers by venturing back to these beaches on our next visit to provide a more detailed report! Although the national… Read more →

Provincetown, Massachusetts: Wired Puppy

Wired Puppy 379 Commercial Street Provincetown, Massachusetts Telephone: (508) 487-0017 Website: WiredPuppy.com What better place for a literary terrier and his coffee-loving People to write and relax than the Wired Puppy – a specialty coffee and tea bar where the computer and wifi access is free, the brews have names like Sweet Puppy Love and Hair of the Dog, and… Read more →

North Harwich, Massachusetts: Derbyfield Kennel

Derbyfield Kennel 556 Depot Street North Harwich, Massachusetts Telephone: (508) 432-2510 Website: DerbyfieldKennel.com This family-run kennel in the Mid-Cape region offers one guest feature this well-traveled terrier has seen nowhere else: visiting hours! Between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., owners may check their dogs out of the kennel – which meant Brontë and I were able to… Read more →

Saugus, Massachusetts: Breakheart Reservation

Breakheart Reservation 177 Forest Street Saugus, Massachusetts Telephone: (781) 233-0834 Website: Masspark.org When you happen upon an area formed by glaciers, odds are you’ll find plenty of enormous boulders perfect for clambering up and over and standing atop to play king of the mountain. Called “erratics,” these remnants of the ice age abound at Breakheart Reservation, a 700-acre park that… Read more →

Ashby, Massachusetts: The Bark and Call Inn

The Bark and Call Inn Ashby, Massachusetts Telephone: (978) 386-1102 Website: BarkandCallInn.com I was a little worried when my People dropped me off here because the place is so comfy and domestic that I thought, “Is this my new home?!?” But the dogs already romping about in the fenced yard next to the Walsh family home set me straight, and… Read more →

Grafton, Massachusetts: Gibson Kennels

Gibson Kennels 139 Upton Street, Route 140 Grafton, Massachusetts Telephone: (508) 839-1757 Website: GibsonKennels.com Gibson Kennels is a country dog’s paradise, but even a city slicker like yours truly can appreciate its down-home atmosphere and beautiful surroundings. The boarding and daycare building sits on the same property as owner Bob and Mel Gibson’s horse stables and family home. The experienced… Read more →