Dog Bless America

Tails from the road
Jeff Selis

Dog Bless AmericaMy People frequently put this book out for weekend guests (along with Hyacinth Bucket’s Book of Etiquette for the Socially Less Fortunate, but I digress). Yet this is more than just a cute, mini coffee table book chronicling one man’s attempt to meet and photograph one dog from every state in the nation. After a death in the family and burn-out at work left Jeff Selis yearning for “something fresh in my life,” he hit the road with his good friend Seamus and his dog Otis – and discovered not just escape, but evolution. From Sir Winston Churchill the 28th (a dignified fellow in Libertytown, Maryland) to the scruffy Muffin who greets visitors to the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Angel Canyon, Utah – and all the other hounds and humans they met in between – the trio’s 17,000-mile journey was “an amazing, surreal and serendipitous experience.” Cuddle up with this book and your own four-legged friend and let Selis inspire you to seek the simplest things in life.